Last night I went to the BYX Unlimited function with my friend Chris! BYX is a christian fraternity on campus! It stands for Brothers Under Christ. It was held at Powerhouse and I had A LOT of fun! The theme was BYX Unlimited, a kick off of Ducks Unlimited. That's why we all have camo on.
My very dear friend Tracy and I. You can kind of tell here, but I got REALLY into it and even painted my nails orange, hahaha! She is a lot of fun to be around.

Yes, that is a rubber turkey! Someone brought it as a prop and I just HAD to get my picture taken with it.

People DANCIN'!!

My friend Chris and I!

Tracy and David. They put the targets on their shirts! SO cute!!

Me and Tracy

After dancing the night away!! Woo Hoo!!

I leave tomorrow for the Texas A&M game that is in the new COWBOYS stadium! I am soooo very excited!!!
GO HOGS, BEAT THE AGGIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am excited too...cant wait!